200 | Chick-fil-A Executive Mark Miller on Uncommon Greatness and over 45 years of Developing Leaders
Our guest is Mark Miller, longtime director of leadership development at Chick-fil-A. Mark is a speaker, coach, and best-selling author, with now 25 leadership books in print, including his most recent Uncommon Greatness. We discuss the 5 keys for transformative leadership, his advice right now to leaders, best lessons learned from Chick-fil-A, and much more. Make sure to visit http://h3leadership.com to access the list and all the show notes. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: OPEN DOORS - Get the latest 2024 World Watch List and prayer guide at http://odusa.org/h3. Since they were founded by Brother Andrew nearly 70 years ago, Open Doors has become the world’s largest on-the-ground network working to strengthen persecuted Christians. Their annual World Watch List report ranks the 50 most dangerous countries for Christians today. Get the FREE World Watch List Prayer Guide at http://odusa.org/h3. The Prayer Guide gives you the World Watch List, real stories of persecuted Christians, profiles of all 50 countries and specific ways to pray for each one. Again, visit http://odusa.org/h3. And to order 50 FREE print copies of the Prayer Guide for your church or team, email Andrew Richards at andrewr@opendoorsus.org. And PHASE FRANCHISE PARTNERS – Phase exists to help churches have a multi-use strategy and specializes in helping churches own and operate a child development center that will activate your building space like never before. Their support service helps you navigate design, licensing, marketing and ongoing operation. Visit http://phasefranchise.com for more info and to talk with their team. Get on the path to greater use of your space and great impact in your community. Again, visit http://phasefranchise.com and schedule a complimentary call and download their FREE ebook on multi use strategy from founder Frank Bealer today.

060 | September Top Ten List + Why Chick-fil-A is a Trusted Brand
The September Top Ten Leadership List including links and recommendations on podcasts, books, voices, music and articles. Plus, a Leadership Nugget segment on why Chick-fil-A is a trusted brand. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: Vive Media—your outsourced creative director all-in-one. Need help with graphic and website design, video editing or social media strategies? Partner with Vive Media. Register today and save $100 off your first month by using the code H3Leader. And, Chemistry Staffing—helping churches of all sizes find the right leaders to add to their team. Want to make your search process better? Then get the FREE Resume Screening Playbook. Plus, sign up for a FREE 30-minute consultation to learn how to attract top talent to your church/organization.

057 | Chick-fil-A Marketing Executive David Salyers + 5 Conferences to Attend this Fall
David Salyers is a long-time marketing executive at Chick-fil-A, as well as the co-author of Remarkable, co-founder of ROAM in Atlanta and entrepreneur and frequent speaker. We discuss lessons from working at Chick-fil-A, why marketing matters, leadership and more. Plus, the 5 Things from the Internet list with recommendations on articles to read. And, 5 conferences to check out this fall. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: World Vision—Sign up for the FREE Soul CARE series, now with a new segment called Right Side Up Soul Care, a free practical resource in which Danielle Strickland and leaders in the global Church share how they have learned to practice their faith and feed their soul through difficult circumstances. Sign up today. And, Remodel Health—save money on your health plan and get tailored health benefits that fit your organization's needs. Get your FREE Health Benefits Analysis today. You could save over 50% on your health plan costs. Experience better benefits and bigger savings with Remodel Health!

029 | Jeff Henderson + Leadership Lessons from Mountain Climbing
Leadership speaker, author of Know What You're For, and founder of The For Company Jeff Henderson is our guest on this show. Jeff led Buckhead Church and Gwinnett Church the last 17 years as part of the North Point Community Church network of churches in Atlanta, and previously worked in marketing at Chick-fil-A. Brad also provides 6 Lessons from Mountain Climbing, recently captured at a gathering in Colorado. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: Chemistry Staffing – helping churches of all sizes find the right leaders to add to their team. Want to make your search process better? Then get the FREE Resume Screening Playbook. Plus, sign up for a FREE 30-minute consultation on conducting better searches. And also to Help One Now – working to alleviate poverty through community-based transformation around the world. Go get a FREE copy of the bestselling book Doing Good is Simple from Help One Now’s founder and CEO Chris Marlow. All of us can do something that creates good for our world.