062 | Donald Miller of StoryBrand + 5 Things from the Internet
Donald Miller is a NYT bestselling author, founder of StoryBrand and Business Made Simple, host of the Business Made Simple Podcast, one of the most popular and influential leadership podcasts in the world, a popular speaker and overall marketing guru. We talk leadership, being a father, how to stand out as an employee, telling your story today, why Business Made Simple works and much more. Plus, the 5 Things from the Internet list with recommendations on new books and articles to read. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: World Vision—Sign up for the FREE Soul CARE series, now with a new segment called Right Side Up Soul Care, a free practical resource in which Danielle Strickland and leaders in the global Church share how they have learned to practice their faith and feed their soul through difficult circumstances. Sign up today. And, Remodel Health—save over 50% on your health plan and get tailored health benefits that fit your organization's needs. Get your risk free Health Benefits Analysis today. Use RATE CODE H350 for a 50% discount at checkout. Experience better benefits and bigger savings with Remodel Health!

057 | Chick-fil-A Marketing Executive David Salyers + 5 Conferences to Attend this Fall
David Salyers is a long-time marketing executive at Chick-fil-A, as well as the co-author of Remarkable, co-founder of ROAM in Atlanta and entrepreneur and frequent speaker. We discuss lessons from working at Chick-fil-A, why marketing matters, leadership and more. Plus, the 5 Things from the Internet list with recommendations on articles to read. And, 5 conferences to check out this fall. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: World Vision—Sign up for the FREE Soul CARE series, now with a new segment called Right Side Up Soul Care, a free practical resource in which Danielle Strickland and leaders in the global Church share how they have learned to practice their faith and feed their soul through difficult circumstances. Sign up today. And, Remodel Health—save money on your health plan and get tailored health benefits that fit your organization's needs. Get your FREE Health Benefits Analysis today. You could save over 50% on your health plan costs. Experience better benefits and bigger savings with Remodel Health!