053 | Former NFL Linebacker Thomas Williams + YouTube Staffer and Hip Hop Artist Ace Patterson
A double interview episode with 2 inspiring young leaders! Featuring Thomas R. Williams, former NFL player and now speaker, author, NFL Player Engagement Ambassador and adjunct professor at USC. And, Ace Patterson, global music partnerships manager at YouTube along with hip hop artist, speaker, actor and producer. And, as always, the 5 Things from the Internet segment. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: World Vision—Sign up for the FREE Soul CARE series, now with a new segment called Right Side Up Soul Care, a free practical resource in which Danielle Strickland and leaders in the global Church share how they have learned to practice their faith and feed their soul through difficult circumstances. Sign up today. And, Ministry Grid—the online tool to develop and disciple your church. Ministry Grid is offering our podcast listeners $200 off the regular Ministry Grid price. For just $399 a year, you can get unlimited access for your church. Get this special offer today.