Curating the best of what leaders need to know.


EP 247| 12 Keys to Being a Great Teammate + Top Weekly Leadership Links

In this episode we break down the 12 Keys to Being a Great Teammate. Whether the president, executive director or senior pastor, or leading from the middle of the organization, these keys will help you become a better teammate and strengthen the team you're part of. Plus check out the top weekly leadership links.



The best leaders stay in the know.

Join in as author, conference producer, and strategic connector Brad Lomenick curates the best and latest tips and trends on leadership. Hear the latest recommendations on books to read, articles to check out, voices to follow, orgs to know, events to attend, and leadership best practices.

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H3 Leadership

Brad Lomenick shares his hard-earned insights from more than two decades of work alongside thought-leaders such as Jim Collins and Malcom Gladwell, Fortune 500 CEOs and start-up entrepreneurs. He categorizes 20 essential leadership habits organized into three distinct filters he calls “the 3 Hs”: Humble (Who am I?), Hungry (Where do I want to go?) and Hustle (How will I get there?).