199 | Shelley Giglio, Co-Founder of the Passion Conference Movement, Talking about 60,000 College Students at Mercedes Benz Stadium, and Her Advice to Leaders Today
Our guest is Shelley Giglio, Co-Founder of the Passion Movement, including Passion Conferences, and is Chief Strategist, and Director of Label Operations and Artist Management for Sixstepsrecords, and Founder of The Grove and The Grove Conference. Shelley has helped create and produce Passion Conferences for the last 25 years, arguably the most influential movement of 18-25 year olds in America and around the world. We discuss the recent Passion Conference, her leadership style, why consistency matters, her advice to leaders, how to lead up in the org, and much more. Make sure to visit http://h3leadership.com to access the list and all the show notes. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: OPEN DOORS - Get the latest 2024 World Watch List and prayer guide at http://odusa.org/h3. Since they were founded by Brother Andrew nearly 70 years ago, Open Doors has become the world’s largest on-the-ground network working to strengthen persecuted Christians. Their annual World Watch List report ranks the 50 most dangerous countries for Christians today. Get the FREE World Watch List Prayer Guide at http://odusa.org/h3. The Prayer Guide gives you the World Watch List, real stories of persecuted Christians, profiles of all 50 countries and specific ways to pray for each one. Again, visit http://odusa.org/h3. And to order 50 FREE print copies of the Prayer Guide for your church or team, email Andrew Richards at andrewr@opendoorsus.org. And PHASE FRANCHISE PARTNERS – Phase exists to help churches have a multi-use strategy and specializes in helping churches own and operate a child development center that will activate your building space like never before. Their support service helps you navigate design, licensing, marketing and ongoing operation. Visit http://phasefranchise.com for more info and to talk with their team. Get on the path to greater use of your space and great impact in your community. Again, visit http://phasefranchise.com and schedule a complimentary call and download their FREE ebook today.

160 | Louie Giglio on Seeing God as a Perfect Father + 5 Articles to Read
Our guest is Louie Giglio, one of the top Christian voices in the world today. Louie is the Visionary Architect and Director of the Passion Movement, including Passion Conferences, Passion City Church, Passion Publishing and Sixstep Records. He is the best-selling author of multiple books, including his most recent Seeing God as a Perfect Father. We discuss the new book, loneliness, the role of Fatherhood, what's inspiring him recently, and more. Plus, check out the list of 5 Articles to Read. Make sure to visit http://h3leadership.com to access the list and all the show notes. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: BELAY – for over 10 years, BELAY has provided U.S. – based virtual assistants to thousands of busy leaders like you. Visit http://belaysolutions.com to hire your virtual assistant. Delegate important details, travel planning, reporting and payroll so you can reclaim time to focus on your most valuable work. TEXT the word H3 to 55123 to get your FREE copy of their ebook, Delegate to Elevate. Or download for FREE at http://belaysolutions.com. And AFRICA NEW LIFE – founded over 20 years ago by local leaders in Rwanda to reverse the poverty and trauma left in the aftermath of the 1994 Genocide. You can help transform lives and communities in Rwanda at http://africanewlife.org/h3. Today, 11,000 Rwandan students benefit from Africa New Life’s locally led, holistic educational sponsorship model, which includes access to education, medical care and the Gospel. You can raise up the next generaiton of Rwandan leaders with Africa New Life. To sponsor a Rwandan student, visit http://africanewlife.org/h3.