181 | Jess Ekstrom, Founder of Headbands of Hope and MicDrop Workshop + 10 Women Leaders to Know
Our guest is Jess Ekstrom, a Forbest top rated speaker, entrepreneur, founder of Headbands of Hope out of her college dorm room, and more recently founder of MicDrop Workshop, helping raise up a new wave of women speakers. Jess is a 2 time author, including the bestseller Chasing the Bright Side. She speaks for and advises some of the top companies in the world. We discuss leadership today, tips on speaking, lessons as an entrepreneur, balancing mom life and work life, and much more. Plus check out the list of 10 Women Leaders to Know. Make sure to visit http://h3leadership.com to access the list and all the show notes. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: CONVOY OF HOPE - donate to the Maui Wildfires Relief at http://convoyofhope.org/donate. Convoy is the trusted partner for delivering food and relief by responding to disasters in the US and all around the world. Donate at http://convoyofhope.org/donate. Right now, Convoy of Hope is still helping war victims in Ukraine, providing basic needs like food, hygiene supplies, medical supplies, and more. Along with earthquake victims in Morocco. And the Maui Wildfires. All through partnering with local Churches. Please support their incredible work. To donate visit http://convoyofhope.org/donate. And KINSMEN JOURNAL – Kinsmen Journal is a one of a kind publication, content hub, and community for men. Centered on Faith, Fatherhood, and Work, Kinsmen is a leading voice in the conversation surrounding spiritual formation and marketplace integration for men. Visit http://kinsmenjournal.com. Check out the FREE weekly newsletter as well as the FREE podcast on Faith, Fatherhood and Work with publisher and founder Peter Ostapko. Again, visit http://kinsmenjounral.com to subscribe for FREE to the weekly newsletter and access the incredible content and community.