045 | America's Trust Expert David Horsager + Cole Willford + 5 Things from the Internet
A double interview on this episode. David Horsager, known as the Trust Expert, is the bestselling author of The Trust Edge and his new book, The Trusted Leader. He works with McDonalds, FedEx, Toyota, the New York Yankees and many more on building trust. Plus, we catch up with Cole Willford, region manager for Bridgestone Americas, to hear what's happening on the front lines of the corporate world right now. And, of course, the popular 5 Things from the Internet segment. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: Chemistry Staffing—helping churches of all sizes find the right leaders to add to their team. Get the FREE Resume Screening Playbook today. Plus, sign up for a FREE 30-minute consultation to learn how to attract top talent to your church/organization - you'll get to talk directly to Matt Steen. And, from Gloo and Barna – Barna Cities is now available. A brand-NEW, year-long local learning journey, which also includes GlooConnect and Barna Access. Helping you understand and engage your local community. Get more information and sign up today.