069 | Kiva Co-Founder Jessica Jackley + 8 Young Leaders to Know
Our guest is Jessica Jackley, most known for being the co-founder of Kiva and more recently the founder of Alltruists. Jesica is an investor, entrepreneur, speaker and author of Clay Water Brick. We discuss what the best leaders have in common, lessons of being an entrepreneur, her advice to young leaders, why she started her new venture Alltruists and more. Check out the brand new list of 8 Young Leaders to Know. Plus, the 5 Things from the Internet segment. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: Impact Conference—grow as a leader for FREE by attending the Impact Leadership Conference, hosted by Highlands College in Birmingham, AL. Happening Wednesday, December 8th, 2021. Learn from leadership expert John Maxwell, Chris Hodges and more. Secure your FREE spot today! And, World Vision—partnering with the Church to help leaders stay healthy. World Vision and Krish Kandiah have created a brand new FREE interactive tool at http://worldvision.org/brad so you can ask yourself the critical questions and take stock of where you are as a leader. This FREE interactive guide will prepare you for the season ahead. Download your FREE guide today.