211 | Darren Whitehead on doing a Digital Fast and Leading Well with Technology + 5 Things from the Internet

Our guest is Darren Whitehead, Senior Pastor of Church of the City in Nashville/Franklin, and best-selling author of multiple books, including his most recent The Digital Fast. Darren is also the founder of Hold Fast, a retreat and community for Pastors. We discuss the new book The Digital Fast, parenting teenagers, the next generation, balancing technology, and much more.


Resources Mentioned



Empowers families in developing countries through partnership with high-capacity leaders with proven solutions to end extreme poverty. Visit https://helponenow.org/thecircle. Get involved by joining The Circle, a growing network of people committed to ending extreme poverty through family empowerment. Your monthly recurring gift will send students to school, empower families to launch businesses and support the growth and impact of Help One Now. The Circle creates a sustainable pathway to break the cycle of poverty for generations to come! To learn more visit http://helponenow.org/thecircle.


A comprehensive CMS software for your church or nonprofit ministry. Find out more at http://touchpointsoftware.com. The TouchPoint Software is designed to help your church create community. The platform includes small group management, volunteer coordination, online and mobile giving options, enhanced communication tools, a Church app, and of course their Database Management Software. Partner today to increase connection and engagement with your congregation. Visit http://touchpointsoftware.com to learn more and set up a FREE demo.



Darren Whitehead 

Church of the City 

The Digital Fast – new book from Darren 

Other books from Darren 

Follow Darren on Instagram

5 Things from the Internet

Americans Continue to Lose Their Religion – from AXIOS 

Ryan Hawk interviewing Jason Fried on The Learning Leader Podcast 

The Walk and Talk – a 10-day Salon Experience from Kevin Kelly 

Why are workers leaving companies in droves? One Simple reason- the wrong people are being promoted to management roles 

Secrets to Optimal Client Service from Goldman Sachs VP

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